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PROFI-CAR Silicone spray

PROFI-CAR SILICONE SPRAY is a grease and mineral oil free lubricating, protecting and care product which is based on high quality silicones. It possesses a very good lubrication effect, proofs and isolates. It prevents bad noises like squeaking and creaking and keeps rubber and plastic elastic. PROFI-CAR SILICONE SPRAY is colourless and smells fine.

  • Very good lubrication effect
  • Eliminates bad noises like squeaking and creaking
  • Keeps rubber- and plastic components elastic
  • Acts impregnating
  • Colorless


货号 单件大小 包装单位 卡车托盘单位 集装箱托盘单位
61104 0.40 L 24 件 864 件 / 36 纸箱 960 件 / 40 纸箱

